ASD Evaluation, Therapy, School Resources & IEPs

Course Name

ASD Evaluation, Therapy, School Resources & IEPs

Contact Hours: 5 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This program directly represents what, when, and how your child will receive the support they need. While we have a lot to cover here, do not get overwhelmed. Knowing what resources are available for you and your child is vital to your child's treatment. This course specifically is for adult learners to be informative, practical and easy to navigate.

In this course, we will cover:

  • Autism Diagnosis | Medical VS Educational | Special Education Decoded
  • Evaluation (Screening Vs. Assessment)
  • Therapies and Supports for Autistic Children: Parent Stories
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) - Part I
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) - Part II
  • Frequently Asked Questions
As an added bonus, Autism 101 will be included as a complimentary course upon enrollment!

This course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


This course will provide you the resources to assist you in providing the support your child needs


This course of study is not graded, so there are no assessments



  • Read welcome message
  • Post: Introduce yourself in the general classroom discussion board
Autism Diagnosis: Medical VS Educational
  • Watch Video:’ Autism Diagnosis | Medical VS Educational’
  • Read: Video transcript
Visits to the Doctor and Dentist | Real Life Tips for Kids with Autism
  • Watch Video: ‘Visits to the Doctor and Dentist – Real Life Tips for Kids With ASD’
Choosing A Pediatrician
  • Read: ‘Choosing A Pediatrician’
ASD Dental Toolkit
  • Read and Watch Video: ‘ASD Dental Toolkit’
  • Read: ‘Is There a Connection Between Vaccines and Autism?’
  • Watch Video: ‘Do Vaccines Cause Autism?”
  • Watch Video: ‘Eye exams for children of special needs’
  • Read: ‘Signs that your child may need glasses, the nonverbal eye exam and here to get a nonverbal eye exam?’
ASD - Probiotics & Gastrointestinal Disorders (GI)
  • Read: ‘Guidance on Probiotics’
  • Watch Video: ‘Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: What are the differences?’
  • Watch Video: ‘Autism, Probiotics and Dietary Fiber’ - Q&A with GI Specialist Tim Buie
  • Watch Video: ‘Gastrointestinal Disorders (GI) and Sleep Disturbances’
Epilepsy & ASD
  • Watch Video: ‘How Does Epilepsy Affect Autism?’
  • Read: ‘The Link Between Epilepsy and Autism, Explained’
Nutrition & ASD
  • Watch Video: ‘Nutritional Strategies for Regulating Mood in ASD’
  • Read: ‘Limited food selection or strong food dislikes’
  • Read: ‘Medication interactions’
  • Read: ‘Be Prepared for Pickiness’
  • Read: ‘Make Mealtimes Routine’
  • Read: ‘Seek Guidance for Special Diets’
  • Read: ‘Working with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist’
  • Read: Autism F&Q Nutrition Guild


All training is delivered online. No additional purchases are required.